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Pre-Trade Window Closing: Undertaker and Rey for tonight's RAW?

Posted by: choke Feb 25, 2013 | 1788 views | 6 comments

Quick story about the Undertaker and Rey Mysterio

As you all probably know by now, Undertaker returned to wrestle a house show on Saturday.  Does this mean he'll be back tonight on RAW?   Not necessarily, but I personally think he will be.   Does this mean he will be involved in Wrestlemania?  I think definitely.   In any case, worth a look for your league if no one else has scooped him up yet.

Also, Rey Mysterio is being advertised for tonight's Raw as well as next week's Raw.   If you follow the site and results closely, you know that Rey is a wildcard as far as points, and is prone to disappearing for weeks at a time.  I do like his chances better at this point so close to Mania.  It's hard to imagine them not wanting him involved in some way.  Hopefully he has his stuff straightened out.

I also think that bodes well for Sin Cara, if they decide to keep teaming them.   Hell the last time we saw them I think they were beating Hell No in a non-title match.  Could we possibly be seeing them in a title match maybe pre-Mania or even at Mania?   Worth a look if you have a league with large teams and no one is holding him currently.


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